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*Rates are per person, per night, based on double occupancy, and may vary depending on travel dates and/or room category selected. Offer valid today – Jan. 15, 2025. The free 25-min. relaxing massage at Temptation Cancun Resort is valid for 2 people traveling under the same reservation, and requires a 3-night minimum stay using the promo code MIDW. This promotion applies to new reservations only and must be booked directly through our official website. May not be combined with any other offer. Subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply.
Receive 5% cash back, extra discounts, best rate guarantee, and more by subscribing to our Stay & Play loyalty program!
*Discounts may vary depending on the selected travel dates and are subject to change without prior notice. For travel between Jan. 2 and Dec. 25, 2025. Blackout dates: Feb. 11 – 16, 2025. The free one-way transfer (Cancun airpt. to hotel) is valid for 2 people traveling under the same reservation and requires a 4-night minimum stay. This promotion applies to new reservations only and must be booked directly through our official website via mobile. May not be combined with any other offer. Subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply.
Receive 5% cash back, extra discounts, best rate guarantee, and more by subscribing to our Stay & Play loyalty program!
*Rates may vary depending on the selected travel dates and are subject to change without prior notice. For travel between Jan. 2 and Jun. 30, 2025. The free one-way transfer (Cancun airpt. to hotel) is valid for 2 people traveling under the same reservation and requires a 4-night minimum stay, using the promo code POOLP25. This promotion applies to new reservations only and must be booked directly through our official website. May not be combined with any other offer. Subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply.
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Register for our Stay & Play loyalty program to receive:
BEST RATE GUARANTEE, 5% CASH BACK (via PayPal or gift card)
Discount may vary depending on the selected travel dates, and is subject to change without prior notice. Offer valid for travel in 2024 or 2025, arriving 120 days or more after booking. The $100 USD resort credit applies when using the promo code GENIUS (minimum stay: 3 nights). Best rate guarantee: if you find a better rate, let us know and we’ll match it. This promotion applies to new reservations only and must be booked directly through our official website. May not be combined with any other offer. Subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply.
What kind of temptationer are you?
Register for our Stay & Play loyalty program to receive:
BEST RATE GUARANTEE, 5% CASH BACK (via PayPal or gift card)
The discount may vary depending on the selected travel dates and is subject to change without prior notice. This offer is valid for travel in 2024 or 2025. The free tour to Isla Mujeres is valid for 2 people traveling under the same reservation. The tour and the bottle of tequila (per room) apply when using using the promo code PARTY (minimum stay: 5 nights). Best rate guarantee: if you find a better rate, let us know and we’ll match it. This promotion applies to new reservations only and must be booked directly through our official website. May not be combined with any other offer. Subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply.
What kind of temptationer are you?
Up to 5% Additional Discount when traveling within 119 days.
Register for our Stay & Play loyalty program to receive:
BEST RATE GUARANTEE, 5% CASH BACK (via PayPal or gift card)
Discount may vary depending on the selected travel dates, and is subject to change without prior notice. Offer valid for travel in 2024 or 2025, between 1 and 119 days after booking. The 25-min massage is for two people traveling under the same reservation, when using the promo code SAVVY (minimum stay: 3 nights). Best rate guarantee: if you find a better rate, let us know and we’ll match it. This promotion applies to new reservations only and must be booked directly through our official website. May not be combined with any other offer. Subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply.
Min. 3 nights. Only applies to Tower section rooms. Applies from Cancun International Airport to the resort.